I am a registered nurse who worked hard all of my life to get where I’m at today. I’ve worked since I was 15 years old and went to school at the same time. I’ve taken many sacrifices by getting out of my comfort zone and moving to Pasadena, CA for an associate degree in nursing while leaving a bachelor’s degree in Public Health to chase my dream of becoming a registered nurse, leaving my close family and friends back at home, and having a long distance relationship.

After I graduated from nursing school, I did not land a job right away. Prior to becoming a nurse, I’ve always landed any job I pursued, however, my pride was deeply shot down when I got rejected after multiple nursing interviews. After 8 months of being jobless and depressed, I finally landed a job, and life has been uproar ever since.

Today (4 years later), I have 2 bachelors degree, a masters degree in nursing from UC Davis, live by my family and friends, and am happily married to the love of my life. I am getting my pride back slowly as I am landing the jobs that I want. Sounds like the dream right? For me it isn’t, I am slowly climbing the career ladder, however, I am still not happy, something is missing. I don’t know what, what I need to find myself.

Therefore, I have decided to quit my career and travel the world. After all, you cannot lose anything when you learn about different cultures of the world to make you a more well-rounded person.

I quit my job in October 2018 and I am very nervous about this decision I’ve made as it is a huge set back, but I believe it will help me to learn more about myself to be the best version of myself and most importantly, to invent my life the way I want my life to be. So thank you for living this journey with me while I fight another challenge in my life to live the life I love and to love the life I live. Invent your life!

Categories: Life