The famous quote, “Life’s a beach, enjoy the waves” has always been a quote that was hard to decipher for me. This is a quote I have always on my mind. I wonder what’s next as I never was able to relax and clear my thoughts.

But after turning 30, it has been an uproar as I went through the “What is the meaning of life?” stages. And what I realized is that life WILL ALWAYS have challenges to overcome. Therefore, I finally understand this very quote “Life’s a beach, enjoy the waves.” It’s all about how one handles the challenges that life throws at you.

Sometimes it will knock you down, but you cannot let it defeat you, you need to get back up and be resilient. Take it easy,  learn from your lessons, be the best version of yourself, and be a better person. After all, what’s the point of dwelling upon the past when the only time you can change yourself is right now? What’s better than learning from the past to be better in the present?

Being a better person has always been a goal of mine every year and it will continuously be every second of my life. Remember to have a strong support system because one can not do it alone.

Invent your life! Do what makes you happy and what makes the world a better place!