Quitting your stable or unstable job is very difficult to do but it takes courage and faith in yourself to do. I grew up in a semi-stable family and had always been secure enough to not worry about things in life. Nonetheless, I was not rich. Now, I am a nurse with a great salary. Nonetheless, here are the top 3 things no one tells you when you quit your job.

  1. They don’t tell you that they have quitted their jobs to travel the world
    This is a hard subject to touch on especially to your parents because they think you are crazy for doing this. They think you are having a huge set back in life and not thinking about your future.

  1. I feel extremely scared of quitting my job
    I may be telling my friends and families that I made the best decision (when they find out) to quit my job, however, I am ambivalent because I cannot foresee the future. Will there be a job for me? What if a big accident happens and I don’t have enough saved up? What if I can’t find a job when I am ready to go back to work full time? All these “what if’s” freak the hell out of me. But all I got to say is you have one life, and take a risk, because life is full of risks.

  1. I miss work at times
    I have been on that 8-5 schedule every day and when you’re free (should feel liberating), life feels weird. I miss my daily routines and miss work at times. To defeat this feeling, I just think about having the grit to fight for your job when you are ready to go back to work. It will be hard to find a job again, but persistence is the key and just continuously fight for what you want.

What are the things you have heard?